I mostly created this page so what few people who visit my page, will see what few updates I try to do everynow and then. Latest updates are at the bottom of the page, most recent updates are at the top. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.
November 30 - Just a few random updates here and there. There's still a lot of work to do. I'll eventually update the cast listings page, be patient with me :o) Oh yeah, I'm open for any sort of suggestions or feedback as to how the page is doing so far, so please feel free to e-mail me.
Auguest 7th - I updated the sounds page. I hoep it's not too much of a dissapointment.
Auguest 6th - Okay, I know its been a long time since I've updated. Anyways, I'm reformatting most of the pages, and I just realized that the main page looks alwful! So it probobly won't stay that way for long. Also I'm going to cut many sounds off ( I'm running out of space ), and add a few more. Also other productions are being added
February 16th - I'm Back, anyway for now I made the Libritto page into two pages ( one for Act 1, and one for Act 2 ).
January 1st - Happy New Years Everyone!!! Added the Sweden page to the Productoins page.
December 31st - ( What kind of person spends there time working on their websight on New Years eve??? :o) ME!!! Created a New Sydney Page.
December 30th - Fixed the San Francisco and Canadian Tour Pages, plus I add a cool animation to the Davis Gaines Tribute, though the page is still under construction.
December 29th - I've taken out the Chatroom and rather than create a Colby Thomas Page, I decided to do a Tribute to Meradith Braun ( London Christine ) and put a little animation on her page ( even though the page isn't compleate.
December 27 - Finally added a Sounds Page, where you can hear sounds from the International Cast Recordings, and added this page.
November 18 - Updated some of the cast listings